InfiniteKM Modules for Channel Sales

InfiniteKM offers many modules that can be configured to meet your organizational goals ensuring increased agility and profitability. Our integrated solutions are working in more than 150 countries, in up to 15 languages, enabling our clients to increase revenue and ROI. Infinite KM offers many modules that can be configured to meet your organizational goals ensuring increased agility and profitability.

InfiniteKM Essentials InfiniteKM 
Enables role-based KM, LCMS, CMS and Video CMS (VCMS) allowing our clients to decrease time to market and get closer to their audiences, positioning themselves as leaders and innovators while driving increased agility and profitability.

Marketing eLibrary
Infinite Marketing eLibrary
Rapidly cut costs, create sales, deliver creative content and inspire your workforce. This digital asset repository provides centralized distribution control and management of print materials and other collaterals.

Infinite Presenter
Inspire your audience with dynamic multi-media presentations for communication and learning. The ultimate tool for online presentations and knowledge sharing.

Infinite Incentive
Motivate your Direct and Channel Sales Force. Provide Rewards, Incentives and genuine Recognition to elevate performance and increase sales, market share and knowledge.
Reporting / Analytics
Infinite Reporting / Analytics
Easily and dynamically report on all functions to meet business needs. Includes Dashboard Reports / Push Reports, as well as third-party and Google Analytics integration.

Proposal Generator
Infinite Proposal Generator
Standardize the proposal process and ensure team members in the most remote regions are aligned to best practices, can access the latest information available enabling a sales advantage.

Infinite LMS
This Learning Management System provides a comprehensive platform with the learner in mind. We have the eLearning solution to solve problems, measure effectiveness and increase the value of your human capital.

Infinite Feedback
Feedback is used to collect ideas, suggestions, and answer questions. All correspondence is tracked and logged to help you understand your online audience in unprecedented detail. 

Video CM
Infinite Video CM
Video content management integration – take the collaboration and communications tools to a new level. Extends through tablets and mobile devices.

Infinite eLibrary
The Infinite eLibrary is the digital asset management module – enabling customers to manage all digital assets and deliver the content role-based to user and administrators.

Infinite Catalogue
Custom print / digital-ready collateral dynamically produced real-time from the Infinite KM Platform. This powerful tool allows the creation of professional quality catalogues quickly and easily. 


Infinite eMailer
A powerful mailing system which sends your message directly from the server. Select individual recipients or target entire groups This valuable communications tool also tracks all results.

Infinite Survey
Use surveys for role-based research, insight, tracking and marketing automation. Our real-time data collection and analytics, frequency report, cross-tabulation, data export and more.

Infinite News
Create internal and/or external press releases, policy changes/updates and basic knowledge pieces for your audience using our simple HTML Text editor, or simply upload existing PDF documents.

Social Media  
Infinite Social Media
Include for your audience your favorite or corporate social networking websites. Social Media has become synonymous with business marketing and we allow you to share resonant materials with ease. 

Data Capture  
Infinite Data Capture
Capture and analyze data and infield metrics. Efficiently bring the data to life in real-time and display the information you need at the right time and in the format that works for you.

Infinite Newsletter
A powerful newsletter editor, offering unlimited storage, multimedia streaming and full tracking reports. Keep your audience up-to-date and engaged.

Microsite Generator  
Infinite Microsite Generator
Dynamically brand compliant websites produced real-time from the Infinite KM Platform marketing eLibrary – ensure all partners and staff members have the right knowledge and look.

Infinite eCalendar
The calendar offers the ability to create events and send invitations and reminders to groups or individual users. Always know what is happening – When, what, where and how!

Infinite Discussions
Online collaborative knowledge sharing environments for virtual teams and distance learning. A Forum for your teams and audiences to communicate and contribute.

Infinite Blog
Allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while keeping it securely within the site. A simple yet effective tool for both users and administrators.

Infinite Wiki
Create collaborative websites oriented to providing knowledge to your audience. Anyone can enter information, update, or comment on anyone else's contributions.


Additional Add-Ons
Project Tracker  
Infinite Project Tracker
Enables you to manage projects and staff while analyzing the results. Budget tracking, file tracking, communications, work Instructions, and scheduling tools coordinate your assets with your talent and ensure success.

Balanced Scorecard  
Infinite Balanced Scorecard
The Balanced Scorecard module enables simple configuration of the company architecture and profile mapping to roles. Enables simple and efficient integration or creation of knowledge including workflows, documents, presentations and videos.
Applicant Tracking
Infinite Applicant Tracking 
A powerful easy-to-use applicant / resume tracking / Talent Management Module. Organize all your hiring data in one secure and easy to navigate place. 

Infinite eAuction
Create an auction and have your employees win – good for incentive and fundraising.

Infinite ePrice
Role-based pricing distribution enables real-time distribution of pricing for direct and indirect sales teams. Ensuring the correct pricing is in place based on roles.

Infinite eOrder
Enables easy management of inventory of product, collateral, samples and sales orders. This tool provides an overall workflow design that streamlines the entire process from order placement to delivery.

Infinite eForms
eForms helps you design, manage and process electronic forms for enterprise content management.
This module provides a flexible solution to create effective forms that are customizable to your look and feel requirements.

Infinite eCall
Every sales call is an event – always have the latest campaigns, presentations, assets and data capture to ensure it succeeds. The ultimate tool for sales team members to assist in sales calls.



  We want to hear from you! 

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Tel. (416) 367-0123  Fax (416) 366-1244
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