
4/28/2008 - Retention Mapping Process Pioneers Education & Learning Development at Infinite Media

With the abundance of technology swarming the education and learning development field, it’s nearly impossible for corporations to make the right decision in choosing a training platform that guarantees maximum key message retention. Terms like eLearning, online classrooms, social networking, web 2.0, web 3.0, interactive training portals and virtual education modules suggest complexity and confusion.

The desire to rely on the traditional pen and paper approach that incorporates a structured, often out of date curriculum taught in person to a classroom of employees or potential new hire candidates sporting blank stares and the occasional yawn seems all the more appealing than delving in the technological offerings the 21st century can provide. In this education and training approach, what is the likelihood that these under zealous employees have retained the objectives and key messages of the curriculum, if any at all?

Infinite Media has the tools to remedy this dilemma that consistently plagues large corporations by implementing an innovative and exclusive Education and Learning Development Methodology that produces optimal results. The Retention Mapping Process (RMP) integrates all aspects of a corporation’s training initiative and is designed specifically to elevate the instructional design of learning solutions to maximize retention of key messages for the intended audience.

As leaders in the field of Education and Learning Development, Infinite Media has carefully crafted this unique methodology to promote integrated learning solutions that deliver structured curriculums through any delivery mechanism. The RMP allows key business objectives to be quickly identified, transfers required knowledge, skills and attitudes to the desired audience effectively, and measures results while providing updates on the attainment of the corporation’s business goals.

Four key elements comprise the Retention Mapping Process. Most importantly, the message must be heard. Business and learning goals are the foundation of any solution we build for you. Accordingly, all messages are tailored to strongly link to the core values of an organization and culture, as well as the desired results of the program. The “What’s In It For Me” mentality is addressed with carefully crafted statements that resonate with each of the target learners.

Content is King. This simple fact is often overlooked by designers concerned with developing a sleek and powerful learning platform within a tight deadline. Infinite Media understands the role of all other elements is to support content and ensure it is understood and internalized. To maximize retention content is designed to be simple, easy to scan, visually impactful and appropriately sectioned. Knowledge checkpoints and practices exercises are built throughout the learning solution to ensure that each participant has understood the content.

Retention of information is paramount to the success of any training program. RMP is applied to any delivery mechanism, including classroom, self-study and blended education solutions that engage and impact the intended audience in meaningful and significant methods. Information retention is driven through the utilization of effective information chunking, exceptional page layout design, engaging activities, practice exercises, recall, checkpoint testing, and sustainment activities that ensure the message isn’t forgotten. Rather, it is internalized and applied appropriately as required.

To accurately consider long term impact and sustainability of touch point goals, tools to measure results and enforce on-the-job learning are essential for organizations hoping to attain and evaluate the success of their key business objectives. Applying activities such as coaching, job aids, testing, follow up activities, and ongoing key messaging campaigns to continually engage employees and develop individual content retention is an integral component of the Retention Mapping Process.

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